This is based on an interview for Psychic TV, giving you an amazing insight as to how Angela C works.

  • My readings are mainly based around astrology, intuition and cards. I feel my intuition comes through as a flow of energy.
  • I feel or channel rather than think through readings as I don’t want my own mental patterns or judgments to get in the way. Intuition flows from heart and head being in harmony. I like to achieve a state of tranquility in my home before a reading begins.
  • I find the work with psychic tv is flexible and supportive of allowing myself to choose when I feel at my best in order to give a top rate reading.
  • I prefer love and relationship readings, as I enjoy the complexity of getting the energies between two people to balance.  I am more concerned with the sub conscious blocks that are holding the relationship back from flourishing.
  • In our societies we have a lot of social conditioning to work through which can effect our interpretation of how another is thinking or feeling about us. Actions can be quite easily mis- interpreted. I can see through these patterns and get to the base of the issues.
  • Many people would like to move on and dictate to their feelings on how they should act. It is not easy to get our hearts and minds to balance and I feel I can help heal these dilemmas.
  • I do not dismiss petty arguments or the situations that seem impossible to heal but I do look at the larger picture with compassion and understanding.
  • I enjoy giving readings over the phone, as the connection is instant. Often I feel the energy of a person before they even come through. Other times it takes a little longer to feel a connection, never more than one/two minutes though.
  • The enquirer can effect the reading as their own energy may be blocking or flowing. I find it helps to listen to the person’s voice, name and date of birth as this gives me a good intuitive link into that person’s energies.
  • I find the cards are instant in helping me to link into the enquirer. I have many different packs and they quickly build me a story of people and events around the caller for me to interpretate.
  • Also taking the calls in the comfort of my home enables me to work in my crystal healing room where my energies remain clear. I can also use healing crystals to help me tune in and quite often sooth the energies of the caller.
  • Often if a person allows me to I will go a bit deeper and put in their astrological data in to my computer which will bring up their full birth chart in a matter of seconds. This is especially helpful when doing a love reading as it helps with looking at the personality and any transiting planets that may be having a temporary effect on their loved one. Some birth charts obviously portrays more settled personalities than others.
  • Work situations also feature strongly in astrology and it is relatively easy to find favourable dates for moving forward or waiting until the time is right.
  • I read the cards all the time for myself.! I love card readings and have many many different types.I find they help me focus into a meditative state and help me explore my own psyche.
  • I also find it is a good way to learn about different ways of interpreting the cards.
  •  I often look into  the cards in the morning and see what they link into or corresponding to later on in the day.
  • I find the cards can be inspiring and uplifting and help give you a direct link into spirit and your higher self. They are an excellent self development learning tool.
  • However if you over use the cards they can be just a reflection of your psyche and as we all know our minds can change with the weather or maybe with the moon I should say! If you are confused the cards can also be confused, as often there are different paths we can take. Patience, timing and respect needs to be learnt.
  • We do have free will but I do feel the cards can give you that added insight and help you make your mind up which choices are the right ones for you. There are no mistakes in life only lessons to learn. New opportunities always ensure our positive growth even if we don’t always see it. I believe in evolution, we are an energy and energy cannot die it is just dissipated and always transformed into a more organised structure. Ilya Prigogyine won the Nobel peace prize for proving this theory in 1977.
  • The main question that is at the root of most of my relationship calls is, ‘how can I feel secure and settled within this relationship’.
  •  I often try to help people get back on track with relationships that have grown apart .It is easy for me to link into at the absent person’s feelings and psyche who will not communicate.Therefore helping them to reach understanding towards a partner that has grown cold and distant. I always practice compassion in my readings as that is the higher form of love.
  • I make allowances for people who are trying to mature or come to terms with past hurts in order to give a more understanding reading. A lot of people want their minds to rule their hearts but it is not always so easy when you are involved. I try to blend the meeting of the mind with their hearts.
  • I also get a lot of calls about if an old love is coming back into their lives or not. The area of emotions is a deep area and often takes time to unfold and gain closure. I try to help a person heal by giving them as much information as I intuitively see around the enquirers  issues . All situations are as unique as people are and i reflect this in my interpretations. Life is a rich tapestry and I help give people patience and try to support relationships as they evolve.
  • I can connect to the others person’s partner in several ways. Firstly I use my intuition and connect to the enquirers voice vibration. This helps me get an emotional astral link to the energy cord that binds the two people together. I can often feel which charkas are blocked and have issues. I can feel if the two people feel grounded and settled together or if the base or other charkas are missing in the relationship.
  •  I would call this energetic work and I can feel where the resonance is discordant between a couple. Sometimes I feel a strong throat connection and this often indicates controlling or communication issues. There are many different energy links a couple may have between their charkas.
  •  I also feel I can advise or send healing energy too sooth these cords as I am looking at them clairvoyantly. Cords that are fresh are new connections, old past life ones look like ancient woody roots.
  • I don’t usually inform the caller of these ways of working as it would not often be what they were interested in. They usually want more down to earth information that they can interpret. These are just some of the ways that I interpret harmony between two people for myself in order to help spread light on the situation.
  • Birth charts speak volumes to me about the whole of the person’s life. It gives me insight into the personality and highlights any emotional blocks or where the person is most likely to excel and succeed.
  • I find that it is most important in my work to help people to achieve a sense of love, warmth and balance in their relationships.
  • Emotionally stability and fulfilment is high on most peoples lists of achievement, as it is an archetypal need in us all. I say most as some individuals  may be in denial or committed to some other higher or lower cause but these are the exception.
  • Nesting is part of being human and I like to help people be realistic about the idealistic perfection of this dream!
  • I am a great believer in reflection of the psyche in the other persons eye or mirroring as it is quite often called. Reflective learning is the process of  looking inward and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies what your values are. The result should change your perspective in a positive way often with hindsight bringing you broader understanding and wisdom . A partner and people can teach us a lot about ourselves.
  • Don’t become a victim own up in your part to any collaboration in a partnership. Sometimes you need to have tough love and put your own needs first. A deep secure relationship takes two and you have as much self responsibility to yourself as the other person does to be true to themselves..
  •  I feel you have to work on your own issues and don’t make your partner responsible for your own happiness as happiness comes form within. From that basis you can nurture and grow harmony together with respect for yourself and your loved one.
  • I get regular readings where I predict which star sign a man/woman will be or when he is coming into a person’s life.
  • I have worked with one woman caller for several years through psychic TV helping her with her marriage. I told her the truth regarding a family member’s dishonesty and  re assured her it was not true. Years later I have been proved right. I also sighted the week points and the strong points her relationship could build on.
  • I have foretold of a couple going to live abroad in Cyprus and they were being assigned residential posts there with the British forces in September. I got the timing right too.
  • I can see when a relationship is overseas and internet based looking if they are going to live together or if it is just a pipe dream.
  • I have given encouragement and hope where the caller could see non and yet I could see the changes they wanted taking place two months down the line. Sometimes you have to be patient and have the strength to pull back before you move forward.
  • Astrology is amazing for giving timings and always gives me wonderful support with my work as do my large repertoire of cards.