Solar eclipse in Leo

Amazing solar eclipse today and America has it in full view across their skies. Last time it happened was on their independence day in 1776. I think we may be able to catch a glimpse at sunset here in the UK if we are lucky.


The eclipse is in the sign of Leo the ruler of France so maybe some changes might take place there very soon especially in the fashion industry.


When i think of Leo I think of proud, ornate,regal, generous people who find it hard to put a cap on their spending! They have big lion hearts which hopefully come out in all of us on this new moon as we are encourage to close one chapter and begin a new one . The conjunctions it shares with Mars and the trine with Saturn will encourage new honest beginnings making sure you step back or come forwards when you know the timing is right.


There is also a positive aspect with Jupiter representing children as there are firm foundations set for them their growth and independence. Each individual will be aspected differently with the eclipse but there is one thing for sure it will certainly change at least one aspect of your understanding, home or life choices for the long term. May it all be positive and if it is not yet, then it will be in the months to come as this is just a turning point on doing what is right for you.The leadership solar eclipse new moon is all about 'self' and sometimes selfish choices are needed for your personal growth as too many sacrifices and you may lose your self and may hinder others self reliance too. Getting the balance right is key on this very powerful day.