Have You Manage To Survive Moon Conjunct Mars This Morning?


Well i'm sure there are many people licking their wounds this morning after the Moon was conjunct the planet of war Mars! For all the Fire and Air signs out there you can put away your knifes now and the water signs can dry their eyes. This week has been all about heightened states of emotion weather it be fear or anger or on a positive note passion and extreme energy!

There's still a feeling of emotional unrest in the air today as we await Saturn conjunct Moon on Sunday. The moon is all about emotions and over the next two days it is sitting on some very difficult planets causing many to feel upset and restless.

Freedom is the hot topic for this aspect and everyone is hungry for it and needing a release from the day to day grind. Try not to hot foot out of your job right now and tell your boss exactly what you think about them and the company, maybe go and book a holiday instead!

By Wednesday / Thursday, the new moon in Aquarius comes in, there may be some new opportunities emerging and you'll have a new outlook  and will be figuring out what needs changing in your life. Is it your job, home, family, spouse? What is the cause for your unreast? After this weeks transformation you will be able to see what needs to be done and what actions you need to change to bring more joy and harmony into your day to day life.

At least this mornings earth shaking aspects of Moon conjunct Mars are out of the way, yay! 👌

If you'd like to find out how the planets and aspects affect your personal chart get in touch!