Scorpio New Moon Saturday 18th November

The Scorpio moon on Saturday morning has strong aspects attached to Uranus, Pluto and Saturn. There may be thunder clap news or a softer inner acceptance that old wounds are healing depending on it's placement in your personal chart.

The supporting benevolent planets of Venus and Jupiter are also in Scorpio which help this unique transitional time from old to new. There are many blessings that come with these far reaching changes.

Scorpio often represents fixed emotions ones that are usually ruled by the sub consciousness and hard to change.Scorpio is the ruler of addictive behaviour so anyone fighting with old patterns may find this really is the time they may give it up for good.

In the news, I feel the royal family specifically the queen may be part of the headlines as well as a government upheaval not to mention yet another high profile celebrity sex scandal.

Scorpio , Taurus, Cancer , Aries, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn will feel this alignment the most but it will affect us all transforming our way of life in a solid structural way.

These are good sincere planets of unbridled truth and it is a great time to do a little moon magic and align your hearts desires with your actions and intentions.If ever there was a time of cosmic ordering this is the one for weaving magic as it truly is the greatest magnifier for the law of attraction this year.