Happy New Year

There are some exciting far reaching planetary changes this year as slow moving Saturn shifted signs in late December. This is a very important planet which teaches true values and the importance of strong foundations. We all have different birth charts so it will affect us all in different ways but one thing is certain it enhances you being true to yourself. Yes, for all the nurturers self sacrifice is good but only in moderation and fairness to yourself, so even you have work to do on yourself.

Saturn is the planet of alchemy which enables us to turn base metal into gold.It is up to us to turn our life given challenges into success. When i think of Saturn I think of home and the rock that we stand on.So for many of us there will be a big shift in home or career. Saturn brings rewards for hard work and the next two years will bring recognition and achievement for those that have been dedicated to their chosen path.

Saturn can bring many blessings but it also brings hard truth and facts so if your life is built on blockages and fear , addictions or selfish actions, it will be lesson time. Saturn is the planet of karma and it may come back round to visit especially as it is in Capricorn for the next two and a half years.  It is also in it's home sign so enhances Saturn's affect for better or for worse.

Saturn will be conjunct Pluto next December and January so plan something big and life changing for then.It may be a slow building influence but by then it should manifest into a big release or reward. So get planning on what you would like to manifest for this rare planetary event as the conjunction happens every 30 years. However in the sign of Capricorn the last time was 500 hundred years ago in January 1518. It shook up religious movement  with Luther beginning the Protestant revolution by nailing his 95 thesis at Wittenberg on Castle Church's door. Catholicism's brutal stronghold was broken and religious freedom of philosophy was born.

We can only guess what revolution in government it brings this time but on the positive side their has been some amazing breakthroughs in medicine already.This is a different age of power and renewable energies and there is a wise counsel in the world helping with this transformation period.

Earth quakes could be a problem in 2018 and volcanic eruption as pressure is released.

Back to what it means for you this year ? Big changes but love light and laughter are to be fought for and won by the true gladiators that are willing to take on a challenge and step out of anything that is a past it's sell by date. Courage, kindness and authentic actions are the keys to success this year which is also the year of the dog in Chinese years. Dog is the most loyal sign as are saturn ruled people. Friendships and contacts are be important this year surround yourself with kind allies.  Saturn is an earthy sign enjoying mountains, hills and countryside, be content with the little things in life as they may be your true treasures. Work with your opportunities and destiny not against it.

When I do a reading I look at what you are born with , your nature , your strong points and your personality. What you have brought into this life, what comes naturally to you and what you have to work with. Then I tune into where you are now and which blockages you face and which opportunities will be presented to you. I help weave and work with you to help you achieve your highest good so that you may feel right with yourself and know that you are on the correct path. I read head and heart and help put them together to create a sure footed future with the right people and places at your side. I can also look into others intentions and look deeper into their emotional make up rather than that you are being presented with. So if you would like guidance/counselling to do with relationships, career or home I have 20 years experience in reading for others.

Wishing you all a very happy new year.

Angela x